| | | Environmental Racism in St. Louis Report Get ready for our Eco-Media Club on March 10th at 6:30pm! We will be discussing the Environmental Racism In St. Louis report, released in 2019 by Action St. Louis, Arch City Defenders, Dutchtown South Community Corporation, Sierra Club, and Washington University’s School of Law. We will be joined by Katherine Fenerson, Environmental Justice Organizer at Action St. Louis, who will talk about the report and current environmental justice initiatives Action St. Louis is working on. Read it on your own, then join us for an interactive discussion! | | | | | | Beyond the Blue Bin: E-Waste and HHW | | | | Join us for this virtual program March 11th at 4pm Join earthday365 for our Recycling Extravaganza – Beyond the Blue Bin series, a discussion about proper disposal of hard-to-recycle materials and how to access electronics recycling, the Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) disposal site, what is and is not accepted, and associated fees. Greg Cooksey will present "The Proper Management of E-Waste and Why Certification Matters" and Sarah Staebell will present "The Importance of Managing HHW and How To Do It." | | | | | The Homegrown Series: The Indigo Garden Project | | | | | | Check out this virtual program March 18th at 6pm earthday365 presents the second program in The Homegrown Series, highlighting initiatives and projects from local leaders and organizations that are working towards building community through an agricultural lens. Come learn about the Indigo Garden Project as Eugenia Alexander presents and answers questions related to her new initiative in East Saint Louis, IL on March 18th at 6pm! | | | | | | 2021 Festival T-Shirt & Earth Day Celebration Kit Our 2020-2021 St. Louis Earth Day Festival T-Shirt is here! T-shirts are $22 or $20 for earthday365 members. Pre-orders are open now, so reserve your shirt today! | | | We have put together Earth Day Celebration Kits for families to partake in at-home activities! The kits will include family art projects with how-to videos, community science projects, tickets to Trailnet's Bike Scavenger Hunt, seed packets from Baker Creek, and other sustainable gifts. Sign up above to reserve your kit! | | | | | Garden Work Day Join us for a Garden Work Day in Pine Lawn, hosted by A Red Circle on April 10th at 9am, our first collaboration for our Environmental Justice Days Of Action. Volunteers will help build up their urban farm and plant potatoes at the North County Agricultural Education Center, which works to combat food apartheid. | | | | | In addition to the above, we have two other volunteer days during Earth Month, April 18th at O'Fallon Park, and April 24th in Dutchtown. We are partnering with other community organizations to bring you these Environmental Justice Days of Action to address food apartheid and illegal dumping. We hope you join us in celebrating Earth Month by taking action. If you're interested in volunteering, please email info@earthday-365.org. | | | | | |  |  | April 16th-25th Miss the Earth Day Café at the Festival? Eat at select Green Dining Alliance restaurants between the 16th & 25th and fundraise for earthday365! | | | | | | | | | | earthday365 Membership Be Part of the Solution! Join now as a member to get your Festival T-shirt at a discount, plus be the first to know about all our Earth Month activities! earthday365 membership benefits include Green Dining Alliance restaurant discounts, our monthly Eco-Media Club, educational and volunteer opportunities, and special discounts on our ticketed events. | | | | | | Recent Virtual Programming | | | | Good Food Movement: Improving Our Food System from Within For our last virtual program, earthday365 hosted a presentation and discussion featuring Erica Williams, Founder and Executive Director of A Red Circle, where she discussed her work in improving the food system in North St. Louis County. Check out the recording here! | | | | | | | | earthday365 4125 Humphrey St | Saint Louis, Missouri 63116 314.282.7533 | info@earthday-365.org | | | | | | | | |