Summer Energy Saving Tips Ice machines, HVAC, refrigerators, freezers, walk-in coolers, kitchens, and dining rooms all have one aligning goal during summer. Staying cold! Let's talk about some ways to do this efficiently. Follow the tips below: - Install LEDS- incandescent bulbs run hot, 90% of its energy is heat.
- Menu- now's the time to add some raw fruits and vegetables to the menu. Anything that reduces heat from cooking and preparation helps. (pickled products, chilled soup, salads, cold sides)
- Patio life- embrace the heat and offer patio seating with plenty of umbrellas and fans. Some folks like heat, so let them consume everything at your business except your A/C. Try to limit staff going in and out by setting up outside satellite stations for service.
- Ceiling fans- an oldie but a goodie. A single degree change in temperature can lead to large savings throughout the year.
- Smart thermostat- manage temperatures during off/on hours.
- HVAC maintenance- conduct routine preventive maintenance to save energy and avoid costly repairs during the hottest months.
- Insulation- check doors, windows, and exposed ductwork for insulation repairs and upgrades.
- Ventilation- make sure vents are clear of dust, debris, and storage materials. Make sure exhaust hoods are functioning properly and turned off when not in use.
- Check gaskets- check for loose or damaged gaskets on refrigerator doors, evaporator and condenser fans, and refrigeration coils for regular maintenance.
- Thermal envelope- invest in insulation, awnings, shades, and blinds to keep all sides of your building (the building envelope) cooler.
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