What's in this Issue?
Environmental Justice Days of Action 2023 * Staff Arrivals * 50% Off GDA Passports * August Green Drinks 

Join the Young Friends of earthday365 * Get Involved with Recycling On the Go * GDA Certifications


Environmental Justice Days of Action 2023

Join us for our August Environmental Justice Days of Action! The first clean-up of the month is Saturday, August 12th 9am-12pm at Monument of Faith Church of God in Jennings in partnership with Metropolitan Congregations United. The address is 5400 Janet Rd, and volunteers will be treated to a tasty treat!

Upcoming dates include August 19th 9am-12pm in  Penrose in partnership with George Washington Carver Farms, with another one at the same date and time in Berkeley (location TBD) in partnership with A Red Circle.


Staff Arrivals

Welcome Charlie Hall, our new Green Dining Alliance Assistant! Previously our GDA intern, Charlie has always loved gardening and cooking and has been involved with helping restaurants become more sustainable since after college. He'll be assisting our GDA Manager Ben with member audit reports, creating customizable signage for waste diversion bins at newly recertified GDA establishments, making resource tool kits for training restaurant employees, and adding helpful information to the GDA website!


50% off GDA Passports!

It's not too late to grab a Green Dining Alliance passport – now, they're 50% off! The year's half over, but there's still time to explore amazing GDA-certified restaurants, cafés, and craft breweries across the St. Louis area. For just $10, your passport includes special offers at 18 GDA certified restaurants that are good until the end of 2023. Order yours today and discover a new world of sustainable dining!


STL Green Drinks Happy Hour 

O'Connel's Pub is the next destination for STL Green Drinks! Join us at this cozy family pub for some of the city's most sustainable food and drinks and meet fellow climate activists and professionals like you. Hosted with our lovely partner The Sustainable Backyard Network.

The second Wednesday of each month from 5-7 PM will feature a new GDA-certified establishment for Happy Hour. 

When: Wednesday, Aug 9th, 5-7pm

Location: O'Connel's Pub (4652 Shaw Ave, 63110)


Join the Young Friends of earthday365

The Young Friends of earthday365 is a group of young professionals dedicated to supporting earthday365. The Young Friends cultivates environmental leaders by offering mentoring and professional networking opportunities while also creating awareness for earthday365.

Want to learn more? Join the Young Friends at this month's STL Green Drinks!
Can't make it, but want to ask a question? Email us at  friends@earthday-365.org.
All In?  Submit an application to start your journey with us today! Applications are due by August 31st:

Get Involved with Recycling On the Go


Are you interested in recycling and enjoy giving back to the local community? We are currently looking for part-time ROG Ambassadors to help educate community members at our Waste Stations and work with a team to handle waste sorting at outdoor events. The salary is $15 an hour with flexible scheduling. To apply and see more information, go to this application form:

If you don't want to commit to a position but are still interested in contributing to our recycling program, consider signing up to be a volunteer! We deeply appreciate our volunteers for taking the time to help our mission and provide benefits whenever possible, such as a free meal at Sauce Magazine's Food Truck Fridays - the next one is on August 18! 


Congratulations to New and Recertified Members of the 
Green Dining Alliance!






4125 Humphrey St  | Saint Louis, Missouri 63116
314.282.7533 | info@earthday-365.org

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