| Your Guide to the St. Louis Earth Day Festival | | | | | The day is almost here! Click the button below to read everything you need to know about the Festival, including our 2024 vendor list, special programming and educational activities, entertainment, amenities, and free electric transportation from Metro Transit and WashU! | | | | | | Heather Navarro Opens Award Ceremony | | | | We are excited to announce that Heather Navarro, Executive Director of Midwest Climate Collaborative, will be the Keynote Speaker at our Opening Ceremony and Sustainability Awards Presentation on April 20th at 1pm! Many thanks to our Host Committee: - Peter Wyse Jackson, Missouri Botanical Garden President
- Mayor Tishaura Jones, City of St. Louis
- Michelle Li, KSDK News Anchor
- Margaret McDonald, HOK Marketing Principal
- Jay Schmidt, Caleres CEO
| | | | | | | | Sponsor Spotlight: Washington University in St. Louis | | | | | Thank you so much to WashU for being a Repurpose level sponsor and electric shuttle provider for our 2024 Festival! At WashU, we’re proud of our global reach as an educational and research institution. But we’re equally proud to be a partner in our hometown of St. Louis. WashU’s “In St. Louis, For St. Louis” initiative is an institution-wide commitment that draws upon our strength as an economic anchor, our role as a global talent magnet, and the power of our mission of research, education, and patient care to create real, lasting impact and opportunity in St. Louis and beyond. We are strengthening our partnerships within our community to forge a new way forward, by listening to, learning from, and collaborating with local institutions to improve the quality of life for all people in the St. Louis region. We invite you to join our efforts, whether by exploring the strategic networks we’ve already developed or by building new bridges between your organization and ours. Click the button to learn more! | | | | | Thank you to all of our sponsors, including: | |  | |  | | | | Volunteers make the Festival possible! If you would like to help with the event, please sign up below. You'll be treated to a meal during your shift and a volunteer party in May! | | | | | | | | | | Best Time to Become a Member! | | earthday365 members get a full suite of benefits at the St. Louis Earth Day Festival!: - All members get: 1 free beer, 1 free lemonade, 1 free raffle entry, and 20% off merchandise
- $250+ members: invitation to reception with Keynote Speaker Heather Navarro
- $1000+ members: all the above plus a VIP parking pass, custom name badge, free Festival t-shirt, and earthday365 water bottle
Join now to get these exclusive perks & support our movement for mobilized climate action in the region! | | | | | | | Take the Earth Day Challenge & Enter Our Raffle! | | | | | Make your Festival experience as sustainable as possible and participate in the Earth Day Challenge, which calls you to take actions like using sustainable transportation, bringing your own shopping bag or water bottle, and eating vegetarian or vegan! Check in at the Earth Day Challenge Booth to receive a free daily Metro pass and an entry into our raffle for a chance to win one of 9 exciting prize baskets. See our list of prizes and read more info below! | | | | | | | | On top of 200+ sustainable vendors and lively music performances, the St. Louis Earth Day Festival hosts special programming like the new Climate Action Zone where you can learn more about regional effects of climate change and what you can personally do to make a difference - earn your badge by taking the Climate Action Pledge! Come feast your eyes on our 2nd Sustainable Fashion Show organized by Room Seven which features many garments from our Black-Owned Sustainable Fashion Marketplace! The Festival will also bring DIY demonstrations, a climbing wall, a toddler balance biking course, wild bird shows, yoga, and much more. Click below to see the full list of programming and activities! | | | | | | | | | STL Green Drinks Happy Hour | | | | We’re continuing the good vibes at April’s STL Green Drinks! ✨ Starting then, we will be meeting on the 2nd Thursday of every month instead of Wednesdays! Join us on the beautiful courtyard of our cozy 5-star Green Dining Alliance member, The Royale, for environmental conversation and connection on April 11th, 5pm-7pm. We hope to see some new faces! In partnership with Sustainable Backyard Network. | | | | | | Environmental Justice Days of Action | | | | The date is set for our first Environmental Justice Day of Action of 2024! We will join our friends at George Washington Carver Farms for a clean up on April 6th, from 9am - 12pm at the farm at 3714 Penrose St. We're excited to see you all again! | | | | | | | | | | | | | earthday365 4125 Humphrey St | Saint Louis, Missouri 63116 314.282.7533 | info@earthday-365.org | | | | | | | | |