We're participating in Give STL Day this Thursday, May 7. Right now, all donations to earthday365 are being matched. And in times like these, your donation has the power to make the greatest impact. We are planning more virtual events and innovative ways to connect with each other, including a Facebook Live Green Trivia Lunch Hour on May 7th. Please join us! 

As an event- and restaurant-focused organization, the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting us greatly. We sincerely appreciate any contribution you can make. You can support our team through the pandemic to ensure another 50 years of Earth Day celebrations by making an early donation now, or during Give STL Day. If you're not able to make a monetary donation, you can still give by creating a social media campaign! Make a donation or create a campaign by visiting here, or clicking the button below.


You can also support earthday365 while you shop on Amazon Smile. 
Click here to set earthday365 as your selected charity.


Thank you if you attended our Virtual Earth Day Festival

The Virtual Earth Day Festival brought 13,000+ page views and 9,500+ unique views over the course of nine days. We hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we have and if you missed it, you can still view recorded and interactive content, here. We'd love if you're able to take a moment to complete the short survey below to share your feedback on this event.


4125 Humphrey St  | Saint Louis, Missouri 63116
314.282.7533 |

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